Course Outlines:
Click on any of the following course titles to download the .PDF file with their descriptions.
- Principles of Assessment in Neurological Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation of the Neurological Limb
- Cognition and Brain Injury
- Visual Dysfunction and Brain Injury
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Brain Injury
- Stroke Study Day
- Dementia Study Day
- Traumatic Brain Injury Day
- Managing Progressive Neurological Disorders Course
Download Adobe Reader here. |
Payment options
- PayPal credit card payments (coming soon)
- Internet Banking: Westpac bank account details: 03-1594-0163943-00 Barrington branch. Please quote your name and invoice number with payment. Thank you.
- Cheque made out to Therapeutic Solutions LTD and can be sent to PO Box 33-251, Barrington, Christchurch, 8244
DHBs who wish to pay after the course must provide a purchase order number before course attendance.
Please remember to fill in an enrolment form and check course availability before sending cheques.
Cancellations and refunds
For non-attendance on the day due to sickness, we understand that this cannot always be anticipated however, as a small business, we cannot afford to issue refunds. Alternatively, a credit for attendance at the next available course can be considered with numbers permitting in the courses that have a numbers restriction.
If credits are issued, they are for the named attendees only.
We would request that if people fall ill, all efforts are made to inform us (even in the morning via mobile phone on the number stated on the flyer) of their non-attendance as courses are interrupted when we delay starting with waiting for people who don’t then attend.
Where notice of at least 7 days of cancellation is given, a 50% refund will be provided.
You are welcome to contact the office to discuss individual situations which have occurred due to unforeseen circumstances.
Course Hosting
For information on course hosting opportunities and conditions, please email via contact us to enquire.